Over the past few years, we have utilized the URI API to retrieve data from suppliers on our SRM platform. However, it appears that the documentation available on the Documentation Page is not current.
In particular, we’ve observed that some companies are returning a CompanyStatus not mentioned in the documentation PDF. For example, the status of this company at https://data.companieshouse.gov.uk/doc/company/08501267.json is listed as “Active - Proposal to Strike off,” which is not included among the listed statuses.
Could you please provide or direct me to the most up-to-date documentation for this API, enabling me to accurately map all possible values?
I am not sure where an updated guide to the Company URIs could be found, but the documentation on other ways to view the underlying data does seem to be updated a bit more often.
The values for company status may be similar / the same as you can obtain via the Companies House Public Data API . Those values can be found here (last update 7 months ago):
See the entries for: company_status and company_status_detail
Again - this may or may not map exactly to the Company URI data, and in general the Companies House Public Data API documentation is not necessarily always up-to-date…
Hi @voracityemail, thank you for your help.
Unfortunately in this case, the those constants does not map to what we are receiving (It does however maps to the authenticated api).
For this api (URI), I still cannot find any new documentation that matches the options given on the CompanyStatus.