Filtering officers when searching companies

I’m sure this has been covered before so I apologise in advance, but I am researching all options on the finding and filtering of officers with common names to minimise search results. On the occasion where there is a name such as “John Harris with date of birth January 1980 “ can you please give me some pointers as to the best solution in doing this - API / Streaming for example? Thanks!

No need to apologise. You can always search within this forum - many things have been covered by now!

The answer is “it depends…” - don’t think there is a good direct answer so how you tackle this will depend on exactly what you’re trying to achieve and your resources.

Perhaps a quick review of these posts / threads which may be relevant would help first?

General info from CH about how searches work:

Experimental features in officers search (not sure if this is still current? ):

In 2022 Companies House confirm no search by eg. birth (as of mid 2024 there is an advanced company search but not advanced officer search):

About ordering in office search:

Someone wanted a better officer search - it might be possible to DIY (by processing ALL the officer data from the bulk download - that’s a sizeable task though - and of course you’d need to either repeat this at intervals or use the Streaming API to keep the dataset current if that’s what you needed. ):